About Me
Hi! I'm Bek Nutter
I am a qualified Naturopath, clinical nutritionist, breath coach , herbalist and personal trainer.
I have a strong passion for educating and empowering my clients toward their own health goals.
I believe that responsibility for health and healing lies within each individual, however, it is the Naturopath’s role to help create an environment to allow healing to occur.
My philosophy is based on the belief that the human body is incredibly intelligent and has an inherent healing ability.
Adv Dip Naturopathy
Adv Dip Nutritional Medicine
Adv Dip Western Herbal Medicine
IOPN Sports & Performance Nutrition Dip
Oxygen Advantage Breath Coach
Certificate 4 Massage Therapy
Certificate 4 Fitness (Personal Training)
My journey into the health industry began with a passion for movement...
This passion led me to competitive long-distance running and into the gym to become a group fitness instructor and personal trainer.
This way of life began to completely change the way I thought about nutrition; food was no longer something that I just shoved in my mouth – it had the ability to shape the way I was able to perform in races and the energy that I could bring to my classes.
Having two children further enforced how powerful food could really be – the link between food and mood became highly apparent when my toddlers cried uncontrollably or were cranky for days after eating certain foods.

Through trial and error, I discovered that my children were highly sensitive to certain foods. This really opened my eyes to the influence of food on our emotional state, not just as children, but at every stage of life.
We are literally made up of the foods we put into our body and if we don’t give it the solid building blocks, it simply cannot function optimally.
I come from a genuine place; I live and breathe my philosophies surrounding quality nutrition from REAL food and have a passion for human movement. Nothing lights me up more than days spent running and playing with my family and cooking quality meals.
My passion is ignited through empowering people towards those ‘aha!’ moments when they truly feel how amazing quality nutrition and movement can make them feel.