Without BREATH, there is no life.
Your breathe is with you every single moment. It influences the health of every cell within your body.
HOW you breath affects, how you THINK, how you SLEEP, how you FOCUS & how you RECOVER.
Harnessing the Power of your Breath has been shown to improve:
Sports Performance - Speed and Endurance. Enhance Recovery. Reduce Injury rates and burn out.
Improve sleep
Improve Blood Sugar & Blood Pressure Regulation
Improve focus and energy
Reduce irritability and promote calm
Improve digestion
​Your Breathe is your magic weapon and your gift.
Learn how to simply tap back into your breath and harness its power.
Throughout this course, you will learn:
WHY your breath is your forgotten HERO.
How to tap into this through simple techniques to super charge your sleep, your recovery, your focus and your energy.
Tap into your Forgotten Super Power. Its right under your NOSE.
What Does the Course Include?
Powerful knowledge that you can tap into, broken down into bite size slices for easy integration into your life. (I understand how busy life can be) track your progress in your real time.
Guided Breath exercises (taking the thinking out for you)
Information around how you can integrate breathing techniques into your real LIFE for optimal results, not just at rest, but all day
Guided techniques to help you measure and track your progress.
Guided Breath Flows, allowing you space with your breath​
Knowledge & Breath Flows SPECIFIC for different areas of your life.
These Include:
Energy & Motivation
Kids sessions
What you will receive:
13 + Knowledge Based videos to super charge your breathing
Guided breathing techniques to enhance your focus and reduce stress in real time.
Guided breathing techniques to improve your sleep, recovery & energy
Guided Breathing techniques to SUPER CHARGE your every day breathing
Guided relaxation techniques
Bonus Information and guided Breath flows for different phases of your day or life
Ongoing Support and Guidance through Private Group